Vernon Sparks

The Final Work – Answering Humanity's Need

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Medical missionary work—Christ’s end-time work—is discussed by means of over 500 Spirit of Prophecy quotations. Excellent for personal and group study and as a source for talks and seminars.This is a compilation, with summary statements, of inspired counsel regarding the need for and preparation of gospel medical missionaries. There is a great need for all persons to know as much as possible in how to, first prevent illness through obedience to the natural laws of health, and then how to use readily available modalities in the home treatment of illness. This knowledge will diminish greatly the overuse of our healthcare system.All are called to minister to humanity’s health and spiritual needs.CONTENTS:Reasons for Reform; Diet and Spirituality; Health Reform and the Third Angel’s Message; The True Remedies; Pure Air; Sunlight; Abstemiousness; Rest; Exercise; Proper Diet; Water; Trust In Divine Power; The Lord’s Work; Agriculture and Our Health Work; The Final Work; Health Reform/Deform
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