bookmate game
Jeff Noon


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Take a trip in a stranger’s head. Travel rain-shot streets with a gang of hip malcontents, hooked on the most powerful drug you can imagine. Yet Vurt feathers are not for the weak. As the mysterious Game Cat says, ‘Be careful, be very careful’. But Scribble isn’t listening. He has to find his lost love. His journey is a mission to find Curious Yellow, the ultimate, perhaps even mythical Vurt feather. As the most powerful narcotic of all, Scribble must be prepared to leave his current reality behind.
Ova knjiga je trenutno nedostupna
272 štampane stranice
Da li već pročitali? Kakvo je vaše mišljenje?


  • Pop Eye (Bogdanov A. M.)je podelio/la utisakпре 2 месеца
    👍Vredna čitanja

  • Electric Catje podelio/la utisakпре 5 година
    👎Možete propustiti


  • Павел Хомяковje citiraoпре 7 година
    One of those
    moments you'll think you'll remember forever, but it just slips away. Until such a day arrives
    when you've got nothing else to do but list your memories, nowhere else to live but inside them.

Na policama za knjige

  • Вадим Райхлин
    • 13
  • b7865098986
    • 2
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