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Steve Shockley

Summary of How to Win Friends and Influence People

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This ShockNotes summary of Dale Carnegie’s classic book How to Win Friends and Influence People is approximately 5,000 words in length. Most people can read it in 20–30 minutes.

In this summary, you will find all of the main lessons and actionable items from the full-length book. However, it is worth noting that given the length constraints, all of the stories were cut or heavily abridged. Many of the stories are both interesting and entertaining, and they serve to provide examples of how you can apply the concepts to your own life.

That said, you are a busy person. That’s why you’re interested in reading a summary in the first place. You will no doubt find this summary useful if you don’t have time to read the full-length book. You will also find it helpful if you’ve already read the book and want to review its content.
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