bookmate game
Emily Dickinson

Collected Poems of Emily Dickinson (Barnes & Noble Classics Series)

  • Sandra Radovanovićje citiraoпре 5 година
    PAIN has an element of blank;

    It cannot recollect

    When it began, or if there were

    A day when it was not.

    It has no future but itself,

    Its infinite realms contain

    Its past, enlightened to perceive

    New periods of pain
  • Dee Yangje citiraoпре 4 године
    That Love is all there is,

    Is all we know of Love.
  • ceprianokeziaje citiraoпре 6 месеци
    You try to touch the smile,

    And dip your fingers in the frost:

    When was it, can you tell,
  • ceprianokeziaje citiraoпре 6 месеци
    As by the dead we love to sit,

    Become so wondrous dear,

    As for the lost we grapple,

    Though all the rest are here,—

    In broken mathematics

    We estimate our prize,

    Vast, in its fading ratio,

    To our penurious eyes!
  • ceprianokeziaje citiraoпре 6 месеци
    Angels, twice descending,

    Reimbursed my store.

    Burglar, banker, father,

    I am poor once more!
  • ceprianokeziaje citiraoпре 8 месеци
    BECAUSE I could not stop for Death,

    He kindly stopped for me;

    The carriage held but just ourselves

    And Immortality.
  • ceprianokeziaje citiraoпре 8 месеци
    My feet kept drowsing, drowsing still,

    My fingers were awake;

    Yet why so little sound myself

    Unto my seeming make?
  • ceprianokeziaje citiraoпре 8 месеци
    AFRAID? Of whom am I afraid?

    Not death; for who is he?

    The porter of my father’s lodge

    As much abasheth188 me.

    Of life? ’T were odd I fear a thing

    That comprehendeth189 me

    In one or more existences

    At Deity’s decree.

    Of resurrection? Is the east

    Afraid to trust the morn

    With her fastidious forehead?

    As soon impeach my crown!
  • ceprianokeziaje citiraoпре 8 месеци
    THE bustle in a house

    The morning after death
  • ceprianokeziaje citiraoпре 8 месеци
    THE bustle in a house

    The morning after death
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