Creating a porn site is actually pretty easy. There are no internet businesses which yield higher profits than the adult industry. Pornography is the world’s oldest profession and it’s no wonder it was the first money maker on the internet. Porn can be considered the “godfather” when it comes to making money on the net. If you’ve ever heard of an affiliate program, you have pornography to thank for it. Affiliate programs which handle a website’s sales of “other people’s” merchandise were first implemented on the internet porn industry.
In this E-book I’m going to show you exactly how it’s done. I am going to show you my sources and my evolved methods which bring be a healthy passive income each month. I tell you exactly where to find the software, where to find traffic, where to find hosting, just to name a few. This is a step-by-step guide. This E-book takes you from basic lessons to advanced traffic generation techniques. You will learn all about the appropriate business model to follow.