bookmate game
Daisy Rose

Rabbit Shifter

Mina is a capable, independent Rabbit shifter who has proven her worth over and over despite her timid-prey nature. She is one of Howl's best programmers. She has a good job that pays well and everything she wants in life.

Everything changes when Howl hires Derek, a predator shifter, a Werewolf. They promise her that he will stay away from her. They don't want a lawsuit on their hands, and putting a predator shifter in the presence of a prey shifter in a confined space is a sure way to get one.

Mina has never liked being told what to do, so naturally, she tries to get as close to him as possible. The man is an enigma, powerful and a highly-sought-after expert in his field, capable of working anywhere he wants. He has no business being in a small company such as theirs. She's sure he's hiding something and is here for nefarious reasons. So, she breaks into his office and finds out exactly what he's after only to find that the reason he's here is not at all what she expected. He's here for her.

And she's basically offered herself up on a silver platter to him.

She is in so much trouble.

~~~~~ PG Excerpt ~~~~~

Derek Santouria is thirty-six-years-old and something of a celebrity. He is a tech tycoon and an avid gamer himself. He is responsible for several best-selling blockbuster games and movies and has a hand in a lot of different ventures. The man is really good at making a lot of money.

He is also very good at making enemies. For every success story she reads about him, there is an accompanying tabloid piece calling him a terrible person who cares for nothing but himself and making a profit. There are reports of him being charged  in court and going to jail and news articles about him betraying his colleagues, selling classified information to advance his career… There's even a few bold claims that he's killed his competition in order to get to where he is at now.

There are so many conflicting reports of him that she doesn't know who to believe.

Maybe it won't be as bad as everyone dreads. Maybe he isn't much of a Werewolf at all. She's heard of those. Some of them can't even shift into their full form. And then there are shifters like her, with her rabbit ears and panicking little heart that's already trying to beat it's way out of her ribcage. He's not even in the building yet.

Or maybe he is and is just taking his sweet time to get up to their floor. It's almost noon.

He wasn't there when she arrived, though. She would have smelled him from the vents, or something along the hallway. The reception desk too, probably, if he had to sign in there. Maybe there's a different entrance for higher ups? She chews the inside of her cheek. That hardly seems fair.

Geez. She hasn't even met the man and already, she's judging him for things that are entirely out of his control.

She'll be cool. Slouch in her hoodie and listen to man introduce himself like a proper contributing member of the company and then they can put this all behind them and pretend that everything's fine. Because it is. Fine. Everything's fine.

The door opens and a large man steps into the meeting room with more grace than someone of his size should rightfully have. She should have prepared herself — mentally — for his size. Werewolves, after all, all tend to be rather bulky. She's just used to seeing them from further way.

Derek moves towards the desk and it becomes increasing obvious to her that no one has any right to be that big. It's inconsiderate. He'll probably break chairs from his sheer bulk and all those rippling muscles, and he's taking up way, way too much space.

By the time he's stopped moving she can feel something fluttering in her core. It's not fear. He's just really big. Anyone would be intimidated.

He opens his mouth and-


His voice.
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