Ciara Geraghty

Rules of the Road

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{"strong"=>["Emotional and uplifting — a novel about the true power of friendship."]}
{"strong"=>["’A superb writer — the Irish Jojo Moyes’ Irish Examiner"]}
When Iris Armstrong goes missing, her best friend Terry, wife, mother and all-round worrier, is convinced something bad has happened.
And when she finds her glamorous, feisty friend, she’s right: Iris is setting out on a journey that she plans to make her last.
The only way for Terry to stop Iris is to join her, on a road trip that will take her, Iris and Terry’s confused father Eugene onto a ferry, across the Irish sea and into an adventure that will change all of their lives.
Somehow what should be the worst six days of Terry’s life turn into the best.
Sometimes rules are made to be broken.
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