Christopher Day

Homeopathic First Aid for Domestic Fowl: Accidents, Emergencies and Common Ailments

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NEW! Probably the most comprehensive guide to the homeopathic treatment of birds that is currently available, this eBook is a first-aid guide to the treatment of accidents, emergencies and common ailments in domestic fowl (poultry). All species respond well to homeopathy and birds are no exception. However, little has hitherto been written about their homeopathic treatment. Homeopathy sits well with organic enterprises, in which the residues of conventional drugs are discouraged where compatible with animal welfare. All species are covered, including chickens (cockerels and hens), geese, ducks, turkeys, guinea fowl, pheasants, partridge, quail, bantams, peafowl, budgerigars, canaries, birds of prey (raptors), doves, racing pigeons and carrier pigeons.
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