Matt Hopwood

A Human Love Story

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Setting off with just a small bag and a stick, Matt Hopwood walked for five hundred miles from Lindisfarne to the Outer Hebrides, listening to the amazing stories of love that have shaped and transformed the people he met along the way.
In their profound honesty, these thirty-four stories of the heart — sad, joyful, ecstatic, glorious, life-long and momentary — weave a web of tenderness, compassion, connection and community. Some are about romantic or family love. Others reveal love of place: a visceral connection with spirit through landscape. All resonate profoundly, expressing and exploring our shared humanity, our individual and collective identity, and our sense of belonging. Each story is different. Each beautiful. Each valuable and uniquely precious.
Ova knjiga je trenutno nedostupna
133 štampane stranice
Vlasnik autorskih prava
Prvi put objavljeno
Godina izdavanja
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