Most Brazilian rural properties are managed without proper administration, with few ranchers performing zootechnical, sanitary and accounting records. Thus, most ranchers do not have reliable records of zootechnical and economic parameters of their activity. With the creation of the Brazilian System of Identification and Certification of Bovine and Buffalo Origin — SISBOV, it becomes necessary that the ranchers begin to register the information of their animal herd to improve the management of their property and increase the zootechnical indicators and the profitability in the livestock activity. In this sense, the rural livestock administration consists of the planning and control of the operations carried out on the rural property. This administration provides a more in-depth knowledge of the activities carried out on the rural property, allowing the rancher to have more security in decisions and thus have better results in the management of the rural business. In this way, rural administration means planning and controlling the actions developed on the property to improve the efficiency of rural business. The main objective of the rural administration is to make an economic study of the activities developed in the rural property. The rural administration evaluates the operations carried out on the rural property through livestock management tools. In other words, rural administration seeks to improve productivity gains from zootechnical indices by reducing the use of livestock inputs or by improving the management of these inputs by optimizing the resources available on the property. The resources available on the property can be material, human, financial or marketing.