Lee Strobel,Mark Mittelberg

The Miracles Answer Book

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Do miracles still happen today?
What's the most spectacular miracle that's ever occurred? How is a miracle different from a coincidence? What effect should miracles have in my life? If you wonder about divine phenomena—their veracity, importance, frequency, source—Christian apologist Lee Strobel has answers to satisfy your mind and your heart.
A former skeptic, Lee Strobel was convinced by the miracle of the resurrection that Jesus is the Son of God. This launched him on a two-year investigation of whether God is still performing miracles today. After witnessing multiple events in which God unmistakably intervened in people's lives in dramatic and well-documented ways, he was a skeptic no more. Through his research he also explored the existence of fake miracles, how God may use dreams and prayer to perform miracles, and whether miracles matter anymore. These frequently asked questions uncovered some astonishingly profound answers.
Using the popular question-and-answer format, Lee will lead you on a voyage of discovery and discernment. You'll emerge with a deeper faith and a more profound sense of the lengths that God will go to strengthen the faith of His people.
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