William Henry

Famine: Galway's Darkest Years

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Product DescriptionFamine: Galway's Darkest Years examines the origins and effects of the Irish Famine, focusing on Galway and the surrounding areas. Being a port town and the main population center in Connacht, Galway witnessed the daily influx of human wretchedness and the suffering of destitute people seeking `salvation' in the feared workhouse. The human misery that began appearing in the streets of Galway in 1846 shocked the authorities and terrified its inhabitants. The rebellion of 1848 and some violent incidents are included, as is the story of some of the emigrants who made it to the New World.
About the AuthorWilliam Henry is a historian, archaeologist and author from Galway City. His previous books include Coffin Ship, Galway and the Great War, and Forgotten Heroes.
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