bookmate game
Jason Malinak


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Turn your handmade hobby into a thriving business Most Etsy sellers are confident in their crafting and artistic capabilities. However, many need guidance on the business-related intricacies of starting and maintaining a successful Etsy business. Etsy-preneurship helps existing and potential Etsy sellers understand the business fundamentals needed to become a small business owner on Etsy, including taxes, bookkeeping, marketing, finances, administrative tasks, daily operations, legal requirements, business plans, and improving your business skills. This book will help you make the jump from enjoying your handmade/craft/art hobby to running a profitable business.
Etsy-preneurship offers step-by-step advice on what it takes to bring in extra income or even one day run a full-time business on Etsy Outlines the basic business skills and knowledge you need to run a business on Etsy Explains how Etsy makes entrepreneurship attainable for everyone Each chapter even includes a downloadable business spreadsheet tool to help you put the steps into action. This book empowers Etsy sellers to turn their handmade hobby into a thriving business by employing foundational business concepts.
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  • Olesia Tihonovaje citiralaпре 8 година
    Examples of keys to success include designing a brand, logo, and name that will last many years; learning how to market on Facebook and manage your brand, and creating a spending plan so you don’t go into too much debt before you start to make a profit. Everyone’s keys to success are different based on skill levels and even personal weaknesses. Identifying what you think will help you succeed is a great exercise in refining your strategies.
  • Olesia Tihonovaje citiralaпре 8 година
    tances would they purchase your product? Are they buying the product for themselves or as a gift? Are they buying it as a luxury or a necessity? Are they buying it as part of their regular budget or a splurge? Is it a planned purchase or an impulse buy? Do your customers have the option of buying this at a much lower price at a big-box retailer? Why would they purchase your product instead of making it themselves? Can your customer make your product themselves? Are they buying your product to save time? Are they buying your product because they heard about you from a friend? Are they trying to impress someone with your product? Are they buying your product because they have bought into your business brand? How fast do your customers expect to receive your products in the mail?
  • Olesia Tihonovaje citiralaпре 8 година
    Why should your customers buy your product? What need or want does it satisfy? What solution does it provide for them? In what circum

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