Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev

Compulsiveness To Consciousness

“If your life becomes an expression of your joy, not in pursuit of happiness, then relationships will be naturally wonderful.”  — Sadhguru

Human beings constantly make and break relationships. Unfortunately, relationships can make and break human beings too. Why are relationships such a circus for most of us? What is this primal urge within us that demands a bond — physical, mental, or emotional — with another? And how do we keep this bond from turning into bondage? These are the fundamental questions that Compulsiveness to Consciousness looks at as Sadhguru shares with us the keys to forming lasting and joyful relationships, whether they are with husband or wife, family and friends, at work, or with the very existence itself.
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  • x manje citiraoпре 3 године
    When something goes wrong somewhere, you think, “He is responsible.” The moment you point your finger towards someone, this is the beginning of a bad relationship
  • b6489076674je citiraoпре 5 година
    “Don’t try to manage the other person. Just see how to include the other person.”
  • Clessya Oliviaje citiraoпре 3 месеца
    “Don’t try to manage the other person. Just see how to include the other person.”

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