Adam Barr

Exploring the Story

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Many people today encounter strange events, names, customs and/or people when they pick up their Bible to read. The world of the Bible can seem very distant to modern readers, even if they are reading a contemporary translation. To help readers gain a better understanding of the world of the Bible, Zondervan has developed a one-volume, handy-size reference resource that will take readers from Genesis to Revelation and provide helpful insights along the way through the use of full-color photos, maps, charts, timelines, character descriptions, special articles on important biblical topics and background information about the nations, and places and customs that they will encounter in their reading of the Bible. What sets this reference resource apart from others is that it is designed to serve as a companion to The Story, a Bible that allows the events, poems, and teachings to the Bible to read like a novel. This reference resource is arranged according to the chapters as found in The Story with each section containing vital information for understanding the biblical text. The Story Reference Companion is a must-have reference volume for teachers and participants engaged in Bible study, especially those reading through The Story.
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