Henry Robinson

Inventors & Inventions

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  • creamcarolje citiralaпре 5 година
    gifted. It requires the proverbial wisdom of an owl, the cunning of a fox, and the courage and strength of a lion.
  • creamcarolje citiralaпре 5 година
    itself. Remember an inventor is only judged by what he has made good, not by what he has attempted
  • creamcarolje citiralaпре 5 година
    the accumulated knowledge and experience of others. Don't imagine yourself a Solomon. Don't bite off more than you can swallow. (Read Æsop's fable about the "Eagle and the Jackdaw.") Don't set yourself a Quixotic task, and, on the other hand, don't think it is impossible for you to succeed where others have failed
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