Graham Hill

Signs of Hope in the City

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Signs of Hope in the City: Renewing Urban Mission, Embracing Radical Hope. By 2025, there will be 3 billion people living in urban slums. This raises huge questions for the church. Where are the “signs of hope” in our cities? How can the church become “hope enfleshed”? What does it mean to serve the God of hope and transformation? How do we recruit, equip, and sustain people for hope-filled urban mission today? With a Foreword by Michael Frost, Signs of Hope in the City offers the best of the 2014 International Society of Urban Mission (ISUM) Summit. This book explores such themes as urban poverty, interfaith dynamics, Christian spirituality, trafficking, creation care, asylum seekers and refugees, and the local church's role in urban transformation. The authors are grassroots practitioners and world-class thinkers who will help you renew your passion for urban mission. They will inspire you to see and release Spirit-empowered, Christ-honouring signs of hope in your city and beyond.
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