Vladimir Nabokov


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  • Ganaje citiralaпре 2 године
    “offensive” is frequently but a synonym for “unusual;”
  • cloje citiraoпре 2 године
    at once we were madly, clumsily, shamelessly, agonizingly in love with each
    other; hopelessly, I should add, because that frenzy of mutual possession might have
    been assuaged only by our actually imbibing and assimilating every particle of each
    other’s soul and flesh; but there we were, unable even to mate as slum children would
    have so easily found an opportunity to do.
  • cloje citiraoпре 2 године
    I leaf again and again through these miserable memories, and keep asking myself,
    was it then, in the glitter of that remote summer, that the rift in my life began; or was my excessive desire for that child only the first evidence of an inherent singularity?

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