Joanna van der Hoeven

Pagan Portals – The Awen Alone

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Druidry is a wonderful, spiritually fulfilling life path. Through the magic that is Druidry, we build deep and abiding relationships with the natural world around us, and through our connection to the natural environment we walk a path of truth, honour and service. We aim to immerse ourselves in the present moment, in the present environment, in order to share in the blessing that is the cycle of life. Throughout the ages, people have withdrawn from the world in order to connect more fully with it. This book is an introductory guide for those who wish to walk the Druid path alone, for however long a time. It is about exploration and connection with the natural world, and finding our place within it. It covers the basics of Druidry and how, when applied to the everyday life, enriches it with a sense of beauty, magic and mystery. This book is for those people who feel called to seek their own path, to use their wit and intelligence, compassion and honour to create their own tradition within Druidry.
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  • dariadiaje citiralaпре 2 године
    The aim is not to drive all other thoughts from your mind, but simply to acknowledge them when they arise. Paying attention is key. If you find your mind drifting to what happened previously during the day, return the mind to what you are doing – just walking, breathing, moving. Let the thought go without recrimination for losing your concentration and keep going.
  • dariadiaje citiralaпре 2 године
    Even if forgiveness is not possible, acknowledgement always is.

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