David Brown

Beat Your Ticket

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Fight an unfair ticket in any state!

We've all received one a traffic ticket that seems completely unfair, the result of an officer's evening quota rather than a serious moving violation. But do you have to pay the penalty and watch your driving record crash and burn?

Not if you choose to fight back! With Nolo's Beat Your Ticket, you'll get the lowdown on the best strategies for beating traffic tickets in court. In plain English, you'll learn how to:

-use the law to fight an unwarranted ticket
-analyze the case and decide whether to fight or fold
– find out what the police officer plans to say at your trial
-find legal assistance and get the most out of it
– prepare witness testimony
-attack radar and other detection methods
-pick a jury
– present your case
-cross examine the ticketing officer

Whether you want to contest a common speeding citation, a right of way violation, or a non DUI alcohol related offense, Beat Your Ticket clearly lays out your options. This edition is extensively updated to reflect your state's current traffic laws, including the latest rules, statistics, and court procedures.

Are you a California resident? Check out Fight Your Ticket & Win in California.
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