Chris Towndrow

Stow Away Zone

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When Lolita's father dies, he leaves her a curio in his Will. It's a box, which is not to be opened unless the town faces an existential crisis.
But other people have boxes too, and they aren't prepared to wait… which may cause the very crisis itself.

Digging into the history of Sunrise uncovers a century-old mystery — a closely guarded secret which holds the key to the town's future.

Beckman and Lolita must embark on a mission to reconnect with family, rebuild a shattered friendship, and confront the most unexpected of adversaries to save the town they hold dear.
Nothing can be taken for granted — not even love.

The third book in the “Sunrise” trilogy is a humorous cozy mystery fuelled by coffee, break-ups, make-ups and a lot of sparkle.
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