Believe in your vision
Now, concentration is not a simple word. It involves a lot of mental effort. The bottom line? Your main objective in using the law of attraction in your life is to believe in your vision.
Believes it is possible
First of all, you have to believe it's possible. Yes, it is possible that there is a job in that corner office. Yes, it is possible that there is that huge mansion on the other side of town. Yes, it is possible that people can develop that successful business. Whatever your vision is, believe it is possible. This is the key. This is the foundation of success, because if you don't believe that your vision can become a reality, you're wasting your time. You may end up undermining or sabotaging yourself because, deep down, you're saying to yourself, "Well, I'm just playing with myself.
This isn't real. Who am I kidding?". Then everything falls apart because you haven't believed in your vision. Believe that it's possible.
Believe you can do it
The next step is to believe that YOU can do it. Not someone else, not your friend, not your neighbor, not your brother, not your sister, not your parents, but YOU, individually, personally, can do it.
This puts you in the center of the picture. You are no longer looking at your vision as a kind of speculation. It's no longer in the realm of theory or things that "would be okay" if they happened. Instead, you're putting it right at the center of your life, because it's YOU who can do it. That's what you believe.