Fizzle. fm

Episode 212: CEO-ing Your Business: The 3 Metrics that Matter (FS212)

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In the kinds of very small businesses we talk about at Fizzle, with teams of fewer than 5 people, many with just one person, very little of what we do on a day-to-day is CEO-type stuff. Most of what we do is run around wearing one of dozens of different hats. Marketing, product development, finance, team building, and on and on. In a bigger business, a CEO would care about all these things, but they wouldn’t be his or her primary focus. A CEO’s main job in a bigger company should be to own the company’s vision and convince everyone possible of why they should support that vision. Customers, investors, employees, everybody. Beyond that, a CEO is responsible for making sure the company’s efforts are driving progress toward that vision, and that the business has the resources it needs to succeed (skills, talent, money). Read More: Fizzleshow.co/212
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