Amy & Paul kick off a new decade-spanning miniseries, where they'll pick their favorite films from each year of the 2010s! This episode covers the years 2010-2012, and they'll advocate for knotty films from cinema's modern masters, a balls-to-the-wall cult comedy, and a nearly-forgotten Best Picture winner among many others.
Next week the series continues with 2013-2015; keep sending us voicemails with your pick for best movie of the decade! Call the Unspooled voicemail line at 747-666-5824 with your answer. Follow us on Twitter @Unspooled, get more info at and don’t forget to rate, review & subscribe to us on Apple Podcasts. Photo credit: Kim Troxall
This episode is brought to you by Issue Zero Podcast, The Irishman, and AMEX.