Laney Shaw

Understanding Autism

Understanding Autism: The Essential Guide to Understanding Autism Spectrum Disorder to Help Manage and Improve Quality of Life
Autism affects 1% of the world population. In the US, 1 in 54 children has been identified with Autism Spectrum Disorder according to the CDC. ASD is a developmental disability that affects social, communication and behavioral changes. It can be hard to diagnose because there are no medical tests that can be administered to determine if one has it. It can only be diagnosed by looking at a child’s developmental history and behavior. While some who have been diagnosed with ASD can live independently without any issues, there are some that need life-long care and support. And globally, people with ASD are often subjected to discrimination, stigma and a general lack of support that living a normal life has become nearly impossible for them.
Many studies have been dedicated to finding out the cause of Autism to see how it can be prevented in the future. Some studies show that it can be due to genetic or environmental factors. This audiobook will try to identify the possible causes of autism that will lead to prevention over time. To learn more about Autism, scroll up and click “add to cart” now. 
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