Matty Algernon,Tarah Lennox

Student Hacks Bundle, 2 in 1 Bundle

Student Hacks Bundle, 2 in 1 Bundle: Speed Reading Mastery and Better Students
Do you have so many books stacked on your bookshelf but you simply have no time to read all of them? So many books, so little time, right? But there is a solution which is speed reading. Speed reading is said to be one of the top skills people should learn these days. Speed reading has many techniques that would let you be able to read quickly. But it’s not enough to just read but to understand what you’re reading as well. Speed reading can be a beneficial skill especially if you’re a student who needs to read many books and retain a lot of information. As a student, you need to learn a lot of hacks that will help you survive school life. One of the important skills you also need to learn is time management skills.
This bundle will teach you everything you need to know about speed reading. You will learn effective techniques and methods on how you could spend less time reading while comprehending faster. You will discover how to retain information better as well. You will also learn how to reduce the instances of stress at school. You will also learn about crucial time management skills that would help you be more productive and finish school tasks on time.
This 2 in 1 bundle includes the following audiobooks:
Speed Reading Mastery: The Ultimate Guide on How to Increase Reading Speed and Comprehension, Learn the Proven Techniques on Faster Reading and Understanding and Improved MemoryBetter Students: The Essential Guide on How to Manage Time and Stress for Students, Learn Strategies and Useful Tips on How to Stay on Top of Your School Work and Have Fun at SchoolGet your copy of Student Hacks 2 in 1 Bundle today!
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Eye On Sound
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