Hope Callaghan

Lethal Lobster

Assistant Cruise Director, Millie Sanders' day is off to a shockingly bad start when her boss “volunteers” her to be his Guinea pig for a stun gun self-defense class in front of her fellow shipmates. Loyal to a fault, she agrees but almost immediately regrets her decision.
Meanwhile, several crewmembers have become violently ill and possibly on the verge of death after eating food prepared from the galley kitchen, operated by her best friend, Annette Delacroix. It soon becomes clear that someone is out to sabotage her friend and may be willing to go as far as murder.
Millie dives in to the new mystery head first as she and her friend, Cat, try to salvage Annette's career and stop the saboteur before someone is murdered - or is it already too late?
Grab your copy today and start listening to this clean, fun-filled mystery series today!
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