Travis Sherry

5 Ways Travel Will Change Post-Pandemic

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What do you think will be the changes we see in travel in a post-pandemic life? How do you see it affecting the way you travel?
We have had quite some time to think about life post-pandemic but now that we are seeing the light at the end of the tunnel (thank you vaccine), we feel it is a great time to talk about how travel will have changed going forward. This was the topic we were prepared to discuss during our time on MSNBC with Yasmin Vossoughian but they quickly found out that Heather had caught COVID while we were in Costa Rica and that made for a better story for them. But, since we have this podcast we can finally get to discuss the 5 ways we see travel changing in a post-pandemic world and dive into the fundamental shift in the way people are traveling that we see as a positive. Enjoy!
Today's podcast is sponsored by Oregon State University ECampus.
What did we miss? Which of these resonated the most with you? Let us know by tagging us in a post on Instagram at @ExtraPackofPeanuts.

In This Episode
08:55 Logistics
11:10 The Big Rise In...
12:55 Slow & Steady Wins The Race
16:40 Shift In Where You Go
22:05 The Concept Of Home
28:25 Purpose Matters

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Want to follow our lives & adventures? Check out our Instagram's @ExtraPackOfPeanuts, @HeatherSherry, @TravelingWhitMyles, and @HaddieBean

Want More?
What It's Like To Get COVID In Another Country
Why We Traveled To Costa Rica During COVID
Travel Stats: 2020 In Review

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