Emergency service volunteers are often quite literally the difference between life and death,BUT THE COST TO THE COMMUNITY COMES AT A PRICE.
A community that helps save its own when its needed most is a special thing, but leading volunteers effectively can be exceedingly difficult without the right skills. Emergency Service Volunteers: How to Get Them and Keep Them can help you learn how to recruit not just more volunteers, but what is more important, the right volunteers.
It’s a hard reality that half of all volunteers are active for less than a year. When you consider the cost of training and equipment, that cost is extraordinary. Emergency Service Volunteers: How to Get Them and Keep Them will show you how finding and recruiting the right volunteers won’t just ensure you can fulfill your organisation’s mission, it will do so while getting the most out of your limited financial resources.
Research shows that the top reasons volunteers stop showing up include; not seeing how their contributions make a difference, feeling unrecognised, and it stops being fun. These aren’t failures of the volunteers, they are a result of ineffective leadership.
Emergency Service Volunteers: How to Get Them and Keep Them shows you how to avoid these pitfalls. Learn strategies to recruit and retain your volunteers. It’s a fine balance and without understanding the fundamentals of leadership skills this can be a frustrating experience. Discover the 5 Essential Skills for Effective Leaders that will become the backbone of your team and your guide to being a master of influence.