Tina J

Still Luvin' A Beast 2

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At the end of, Still Luvin A Beast, someone stabbed Promise in an attempt to kill her; but who? Sydney and Janice were both dead, and Terry could no longer walk. However, someone came into the house and did it. Not sure if she's going to make it, Hurricane begs the doctors to do all they can, to save her life. But is it too late? In the midst of the chaos, Hurricane does something stupid, that will affect everyone around him.

Stella, kept seeing Victor a secret from her husband, and unfortunately, he was able to kidnap their son. Arnold has a hard time dealing with the fact his wife knew the man was lurking around and never told him. He still does what is necessary, to get him home, but not before Victor instills a bunch of lies in his head, which makes Franklin second guess everything his mom told him. Take a ride with these two couples and see if their love is strong enough to weather the storm, they're all caught up in.
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