The story takes place in two worlds: the real one and also a world of nightmares. In this nightmarish world Samantha is constantly persecuted by spirits who torment her and clearly want her to suffer. But all this has an ominous purpose that will lead her to a journey with moments of overcoming, discovery, euphoria, depression, and violence.
In addition to Denis Mello's drawings, the book also has a preface by Julio Shimamoto, a master of the Brazilian horror comics; a piece by Danilo Beyruth (Astronauta: Magnetar) on the back cover; a making off, from the script to the inkings; and a gallery of invited artists like Vitor Cafaggi, Danilo Beyruth and Mario Cau. The graphic novel tells the story of Samantha, a girl haunted by terrible dreams. The story takes place in two worlds: the real one and also a world of nightmares. In this nightmarish world Samantha is constantly persecuted by spirits who torment her and clearly want her to suffer. But all this has an ominous purpose that will lead her to a journey with moments of overcoming, discovery, euphoria, depression, and violence. In addition to Denis Mello's drawings, the book also has a preface by Julio Shimamoto, a master of the Brazilian horror comics; a piece by Danilo Beyruth (Astronauta: Magnetar) on the back cover; a making off, from the script to the inkings; and a gallery of invitited artists like Vitor Cafaggi, Danilo Beyruth and Mario Cau.