Glenda D. Doyle

Moonless Destiny

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Fate has a cruel sense of humor. Just when Amy thought she could start over after the devastating loss of her mate, destiny threw her a curveball she never saw coming. Relocating with her mother and son to a new pack was supposed to be a fresh beginning, a chance to heal. But the universe had other plans.
To Amy's utter disbelief, she discovers her soul is inexplicably bound to Liam, the young, powerful Alpha of the formidable Shadowfang’s pack. For two long years, he's desperately sought his fated Luna, his other half, to rule by his side and continue his bloodline. Fate's twisted joke? His Luna is not the young woman he envisioned; Amy is eighteen years his senior.
Their connection is undeniable, a spark ignited by the Moon Goddess herself. Yet, whispers of disapproval snake through the pack. Will their unconventional love defy tradition and find acceptance? Or will the whispers morph into a storm threatening to tear them apart? Not everyone is willing to accept the goddess's controversial will.
How can two souls, divided by a vast age chasm, unite as idealized mates? As Alpha and Luna? Can the spiritual laws of their kind conquer the harsh realities of an unorthodox love? Can Amy and Liam overcome prejudice and claim their destiny, or will their forbidden love crumble under the weight of a pack's disapproval?
Brace yourself for a story that will challenge everything you thought you knew about mate bonds, pack politics, and the limitations we place on love itself. Are you ready to have your heart torn apart and redefined? «Moonless Destiny» invites readers on a journey where love knows no bounds and the will of the goddess reigns supreme.
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