John Hart

Third Displacement

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The question, “Are we alone in the cosmos?” has been answered. We are not alone.

Geologist-paleontologist Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, SJ, stated, as early as the mid-1920s, that intelligent life likely exists elsewhere and distinguished scientists of today, including Harvard biologist, E. O. Wilson; Cambridge cosmologist, Stephen Hawking; astrophysicist and noted UAP researcher, Jacques Vallee; astronomer, Allen Hynek; and many others concur. The oral traditions of Native American elders teach that they have interacted periodically with Star People who are respected ancestors. Credible witness-participants today describe abductions by benevolent and malevolent Others. Discoveries by the Kepler, Hubble, and Gaia space telescopes, ground-based arrays of radio telescopes, and TESS (Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite) suggest that in the Milky Way, twenty-five billion planets are in the life-friendly Goldilocks Zone.

In Third Displacement: Cosmobiology, Cosmolocality, Cosmosocioecology, author John Hart links experiences with research in science-based and Spirit-focused books and articles--including narratives about close encounters with Visitors from elsewhere in space (ETI) or Others from other cosmos dimensions (IDI)--in examination of the claim that Intelligent ExoEarth life exists, that Otherkind has visited humankind.
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