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Shearer West


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  • Elena Fofanovaje citiralaпре 8 година
    Portraits are filled with the external signs of a person’s socialized self, what Erving Goffman referred to as the
    ‘front’ of an individual.
  • Elena Fofanovaje citiralaпре 8 година
    they also place their subjects within conventions of behaviour, dress, and deportment
  • Elena Fofanovaje citiralaпре 8 година
    This earlier notion of identity is crucial to the history of portraiture. The idea that portraits should communicate something about the sitter’s psychological state or personality is a concept that evolved gradually and became common only after nineteenth-century Romanticism fuelled the idea of a personality cult, that is, a fascination with the particular qualities, idiosyncrasies, and actions of a celebrated individual
  • Elena Fofanovaje citiralaпре 8 година
    This earlier notion of identity is crucial to the history of portraiture. The idea that portraits should communicate something about the sitter’s psychological state or personality is a concept that evolved gradually and became common only after nineteenth-century Romanticism fuelled the idea of a personality cult, that is, a fascination with the particular qualities, idiosyncrasies, and
  • Elena Fofanovaje citiralaпре 8 година
    only a flatterer tells a man that he looks like his portrait
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