I’ve only become slightly less prickly with age, and the cynic in me is leery of overstating the importance of finding your people in life. A true sense of community doesn’t entirely fix anything. It can’t cure everything. No autistic person, not even a so-called “mild” one, will see all of their needs magically disappear if they’re lucky enough to stumble into the right subculture. Making meaningful connections can’t eradicate sensory issues and repetitive behaviours, nor can such bonds completely heal whatever wounds you accrued while still searching for them.
I have also become far more earnest—or perhaps more comfortable with how earnest I secretly was all along—with age, though, and I refuse to sell the power of belonging short. Being around supportive, like-minded people can drastically improve your life. In addition to helping you survive, it can make you want to. If you’ve lived without that feeling for any period of time, if you’ve had to fight to find it, the sense of no longer being alone in the world can be transformative.