“The Green Archer” by Edgar Wallace is a mystery that begins with The Daily Globe receiving news that the Green Archer of Garre Castle, hanged in 1487, is back again haunting the castle. The castle's owner, Abe Bellamy, who had resided in Chicago and a known criminal, seeks to prevent any investigations of the mysterious return. Bellamy has never spent a night away from the castle since he purchased it. The first victim of the Green Archer is killed by an arrow in his waistcoat. He had recently had a dispute with Bellamy. The corpse is discovered by Spike Holland, an American reporter who is working for The Daily Globe and who turns over to the police a second green arrow that he finds at the scene of the crime. James Lamotte Featherstone is a captain from Scotland Yard who investigates Bellamy. He becomes involved in the events after he is hired by a millionaire to keep an eye on his daughter.