The author of The Physics of Star Trek “expands his scope to address other sci-fi hits, ranging from the film 2001: A Space Odyssey to TV’s The X-Files” (Kirkus Reviews).
In the bestselling The Physics of Star Trek, the renowned theoretical physicist Lawrence Krauss took readers on an entertaining and eye-opening tour of the Star Trek universe to see how it stacked up against the real universe. Now, responding to requests for more as well as to a number of recent exciting discoveries in physics and astronomy, Krauss takes a provocative look at how the laws of physics relate to notions from our popular culture—not only Star Trek, but other films, shows, and popular lore—from Independence Day to Star Wars to The X-Files.What’s the difference between a flying saucer and a flying pretzel?Why didn’t the aliens in Independence Day have to bother invading Earth to destroy it?What’s new with warp drives?What’s the most likely scenario for doomsday?Are ESP and telekinesis impossible?What do clairvoyance and time travel have in common?How might quantum mechanics ultimately affect the fate of life in the universe?
“Combining hard science and popular culture, this delightful follow-up to Krauss’s The Physics of Star Trek continues to explore the possibilities, principles and improbabilities of science fiction … Relaxed and full of lively conversation, Krauss is the physics teacher we all wish we had had in high school.” —Publishers Weekly