Jim Bakker,Ken Abraham

Prosperity and the Coming Apocalyspe

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The end is near! You've certainly heard the phrase before. And though you may have neglected such a warning in the past, you cannot ignore it any longer. The signs of the end times are all around us. In Prosperity and the Coming Apocalypse, Jim Bakker reveals the “last days message” he received while in prison. This is not just a book of prophecy, it is a book of survival. Through careful study of God's Word and a reexamination of his earlier prosperity theology, Bakker reveals the answers to questions of concern for some Christians. Though no one knows exactly the time of Jesus' return, it will happen. Prosperity and the Coming Apocalypse illustrates how soon the end will be here. Are you prepared for that day?
Now in tradepaper from Ken Abraham and Jim Bakker!
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