Love, real love, is being seen. Being known. Knowing the ugliest part of someone, and loving them anyway. And . . . I guess I think two people in love become something else, something more than the sum of their parts
Ambar Encaladaje citiraoпре 3 године
Shadowhunter Academy felt more like camp than school.
shanje citiralaпре 4 године
He’d thought Michael was the exception,
shanje citiralaпре 4 године
This isn’t you, Isabelle. This isn’t what you’re like.”
shanje citiralaпре 4 године
This time, Michael lifted his head, met Robert’s eyes, and spoke clearly. “I’m in love with you.”
shanje citiralaпре 4 године
The way he looked at her . . . like she was a different species than the rest of them, a higher species. “
shanje citiralaпре 4 године
They both enjoyed each other’s company more than that of any girl.
shanje citiralaпре 4 године
Their bond had been cemented the day he turned fourteen, when he finally got up the nerve to Mark himself again. Michael was the only one he told, and as he held the stele over his skin, it was Michael’s steady gaze that gave him the courage to bear down.
shanje citiralaпре 4 године
Trust me, we see a rat, it’s every man for himself.”
shanje citiralaпре 4 године
“Oh, Isabelle, my darling, if I stare at this letter long enough, maybe I’ll telepathically woo you back to my weeping bosom.”